PHP Storm features an intelligent code editor that helps developers quickly find and fix errors. It also offers a range of debugging tools and deployment options to help developers test and deploy their code with ease.

PHP Storm is made for developers who want a smooth, interactive, and productive coding environment. You can install plugins from the market place to super charge what you can do with your IDE code editor.

Embark on a coding journey with Jetbrains PHP Storm integrated development environment (IDE) to dramatically enhance your PHP Development code and speed up productivity.

It is created by JetBrains and it supports programming languages such as PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more. It is an excellent choice for developers who want to create feature rich web applications.

PHP Storm Features

  • Intelligent coding assistance: PHPStorm is a PHP IDE that actually ‘gets’ your code. It supports PHP 5.3/5.4/5.5, provides on-the-fly error prevention, best autocompletion & code refactoring, zero configuration debugging and more.
  • Smart Duplicated Code Detector: It allows you to find the duplicate code fragments on the fly.
  • Easy Code Navigation & Search: PHPStorm helps you get around your code more efficiently and save time when in need of finding and improving code.
  • Diff of changes: It helps you interpret, understand and manage your code.
  • Easy Code Debugging: Zero-configuration debugging makes it really easy to debug your PHP applications.
  • Testing: You can develop PHPUnit tests right in PHPStorm and run them instantly from a directory, file or class, by using the context menu options.
  • Code Profiling: You can profile your applications with Xdebug or Zend Debugger.
  • Cross-platform experience: Use the same frequently-updated and fully customisable PHP integrated development environment on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
  • HTML/CSS/JavaScript Editor: PHPStorm includes all the features of WebStorm related to HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • Development Environment: PHPStorm includes a full-fledged SQL editor with editable query results.
  • Version Control: PHPStorm provides a unified interface for most popular version control systems, ensuring a consistent user experience across git, GitHub, SVN, Mercurial, and Perforce.

Essential PHPStorm Plugins for Web Development

PHPStorm is a highly versatile IDE for PHP developers, offering a range of plugins to enhance productivity and streamline development workflows. Below are 15 popular PHPStorm plugins that are particularly useful for web development, including Docker integration:

Docker Integration

This plugin provides seamless integration with Docker, enabling developers to manage Docker containers and images directly within PHPStorm. It’s essential for developers working with Dockerized applications. Read more

PHP Annotations

Enhances PHPStorm’s handling of annotations, making it easier to work with frameworks like Doctrine and Symfony that rely heavily on annotations. Read more


Offers first-class support for Vue.js, including syntax highlighting, code completion, and refactoring support for Vue.js applications. Read more

Laravel Plugin

Provides deep integration with Laravel, including routing, blade templates, and artisan commands, enhancing the Laravel development experience. Read more

Yii2 Support

Extends PHPStorm’s capabilities to better support Yii2 framework projects, offering tools and features tailored for Yii2 development. Read more

PHP Toolbox

Improves the productivity of PHP developers by providing a collection of useful tools and helpers for PHP-related projects. Read more

PHPUnit Enhancement

Enhances PHPStorm’s existing PHPUnit support, making testing more efficient and integrated within the IDE. Read more

PHP Inspections (EA Extended)

A powerful tool that provides additional inspections for PHP code, helping to identify and fix potential issues more efficiently. Read more

PHP Composer.json Support

Enhances PHPStorm’s handling of composer.json files, offering better syntax highlighting, validation, and auto-completion. Read more

Twig Support

Provides comprehensive support for Twig, a popular templating engine for PHP, including syntax highlighting and advanced features like code completion. Read more

Magento PhpStorm

Specifically designed for Magento developers, this plugin offers a range of tools and features to enhance Magento development in PHPStorm. Read more

WordPress Support

Integrates WordPress-specific features and tools into PHPStorm, making it easier to develop WordPress themes and plugins. Read more

Drupal Symfony Bridge

Enhances support for Drupal development in PHPStorm, particularly for projects using the Symfony framework. Read more

Codeception Framework Support

Provides integration with the Codeception testing framework, offering a streamlined testing experience for PHP applications. Read more

REST Client

A handy tool for testing RESTful web services directly within PHPStorm, simplifying API development and testing. Read more

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