Explore Travel and Cruises

Project Overview

I was approached by Explore Travel and Cruises to redesign their travel website. They wanted a fresh, modern look that emphasised ease of navigation and visual appeal. The new design focused on a lighter color scheme, contemporary fonts, and an improved layout to enhance user experience. Once I finalised the design, it was handed over to another company for development into a WordPress theme.

Coming soon!

Project Results

In redesigning Explore Travel and Cruises’ website, my goal was to create a professional and visually striking online presence. The design centered around the imagery and content highlighting the cruises. I opted for neutral background colors to accentuate the high-quality images and bring the cruises to life.

Previously, the website’s accreditation logos were only visible at the bottom of the page. Recognizing the importance of building trust with visitors, I strategically relocated these logos to the top of the page. Additionally, the phone number was also moved to a more prominent position at the top, ensuring easy access for visitors with inquiries.

I meticulously crafted each element of the website based on their initial brief, collaborating closely with the client to refine and enhance the design further. The final design received approval and was successfully transformed into a working Drupal theme by the development company.

Key Achievements

  • Revitalised the website with a modern, light color scheme and contemporary fonts, significantly enhancing the visual appeal.
  • Improved user experience with a streamlined layout, making navigation intuitive and information easily accessible.
  • Strategically repositioned accreditation logos and contact information to build trust and facilitate communication with visitors.
  • Accentuated premium cruise imagery through a carefully chosen neutral color palette, effectively highlighting the offerings.
  • Successfully collaborated with the client and a development team to translate my design into a functional Drupal theme.
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