Cosifit Chemo Headscarves

Project Overview

I was approached by Cosifit Chemo Headscarves to design and build a multilingual online shop for their exclusive range of chemotherapy headscarves and hats. The primary requirement was for the website to support both English and French languages.

My expertise not only led to the successful development of the site but also ensured its prominent ranking on both and search engines.

Initially, there were significant challenges with the client’s existing website that hindered its online visibility. These issues included:

  • Duplicate meta titles and descriptions across the site.
  • Site-wide duplicate content issues caused by having a separate page for each product variation.
  • Duplicate H1 tags throughout the site, over which the client had no control.
  • Poor URL structure featuring a mix of uppercase, lowercase, extraneous hyphens, and numbers.
  • Non-functional social sharing buttons displayed as images.
  • Unreliable E-Commerce payment processing reported by the client.
  • Limited capabilities of the existing content management system.
  • Frequent downtime due to unreliable hosting.

I addressed these issues head-on to enhance the site’s overall performance and SEO. This involved a complete overhaul of on-page SEO elements, rewriting content, and migrating the product range to a new, more robust system.

The last art of the website development was integrating Google Tag Manager, Google Ads, Google Analytics and Google Search Console to significantly improve their website performance tracking.

Coming Soon

Project Results

For the redesign, I chose the WordPress framework, considering its strength as a blogging and content management system. This choice allowed us to retain and enhance the client’s news section, a vital part of their existing digital presence.

To address the duplicate content issues, I recommended a streamlined approach with one page per product with color selection options available on the product page.

This strategy not only eliminated the issue of duplicate content but also simplified the user experience, making it more intuitive and user-friendly.

Key Achievements

  • Successfully launching a multilingual E-Commerce website, catering to both English and French-speaking customers.
  • Eliminating all duplicate content issues, resulting in a cleaner, more SEO-friendly website structure.
  • Enhancing the user experience by simplifying product selection and navigation.
  • Implementing reliable E-Commerce websites, vastly improving the online shopping experience and payment processing reliability.
  • Significantly increasing the website’s visibility and click-through rates from search results through effective on-page SEO and Google rich snippets integration.
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