Clemente Medical Staffing

Project Overview

I had the privilege of partnering with Clemente Medical Staffing to develop their new website. From the outset, our collaboration was anchored in a mutual understanding of their vision and business objectives. I took time to fully understand their requirements, ensuring that every step we took was aligned with their goal of reaching new heights with their new Drupal website.

The journey began with an in-depth consultation. They entrusted me with their brand identity, symbolised through their logo, which served as my compass in designing a professional and bespoke website. The initial design, carefully curated to resonate with their ethos, underwent a process of refinement, incorporating feedback from the client.

Company Introduction

Based in the heart of Bordon, Clemente Medical Staffing stands as a beacon of excellence in healthcare recruitment. Specialising in providing professional and dedicated healthcare services, they have established themselves as a trusted partner in the medical community. With a global network of suppliers they have unparalleled access to qualified and vetted medical staff.

Ensuring only the best care for those in need. At the core of their services lies a deep commitment to residential and nursing care. Understanding the challenges faced by families caring for loved ones with specialist needs, Clemente Medical offers comfort and peace of mind.

Coming soon.

After numerous adjustments, the website design received a nod of approval for the development phase to start. I created a bespoke Drupal theme, making sure to structure the content for better search engine optimisation results.

Turning Content into Website Conversions

Understanding the power of content, Clemente Medical Staffing sought our expertise in elevating their website’s narrative. I worked with the key stakeholders to write and improve the content on the website so it converted more visitors into prospective clients. This synergy of creative minds resulted in content that truly reflects the essence of their brand and mission.

The culmination of this project was not just in its launch but in ensuring its sustained success. I facilitated the setup of website hosting and offered ongoing technical support, ensuring a seamless transition.

I produced a comprehensive user guide, giving the Clemente Medical Staffing team all the knowledge and tools to maintain and update their website easily.

The company logo was low quality so this was converted to a Vector logo using Adobe Photoshop and InDesign. This gave them the flexibility of resizing the logo without losing quality. I helped them update their business stationery and documents with the updated logo.

Key Achievements

  • Developed a customised, user-friendly website that aligns with Clemente Medical Staffing’s brand identity and business goals.
  • Enhanced online presence through SEO-optimised, engaging content, successfully transforming site visitors into potential clients.
  • Provided comprehensive technical support and website hosting, ensuring a smooth and efficient digital platform.
  • Created a detailed user guide, empowering the staff at Clemente Medical Staffing to manage their website with ease.
  • Delivered a project that exceeded client expectations, establishing a robust online presence for Clemente Medical Staffing.
  • Converted their low quality logo into a Vector so the client could resize without reducing the quality.
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