Lockrite Security

Project Overview

Despite their initial engagement with another company for a marketing campaign, Lockrite Security was dissatisfied with the results. This led them to explore alternative solutions and marketing channels.

After meeting with Lockrite Security, I discussed strategies to boost website enquiries using Social Media and Search Engine Optimisation. I was then contracted to enhance their search engine positioning to drive more business.

Initial Challenges

When I began working on Lockrite Security’s website, I identified several critical issues impacting their search engine rankings negatively.

Originally built on Joomla, I transitioned their website to WordPress, recognising its user-friendliness and scalability, essential for the growing needs of their business.

Initiating any new SEO campaign, I first conducted an SEO audit to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their website. With this insight, I developed a comprehensive roadmap for website development, addressing the issues identified in the audit.

Coming Soon

SEO Results

My efforts in the SEO campaign significantly boosted Lockrite Security’s online presence. Their website has garnered over 360,000 visits from search engines.

Impressively, 88% of their monthly traffic now stems from these sources. Google and Bing have been particularly effective, with visitors engaging on the site for over five minutes on average.

SEO Results

Here are some highlights from the SEO campaign.

  • The campaign led to over 150,000 website visits from search engine where they previously had no visibility.
  • In just 24 months, they ranked number 1 on Google for 360 competitive keyword searches.
  • Collaborating with Lockrite, our content writers produced informative blog posts, like one about home security for the elderly. This post quickly ranked number 1 in Google and stayed there for several years.
  • I enhanced their visibility for product and service related keyword searches within a 50-mile radius of their store. This was done by introducing recent projects onto the website.
  • Significant efforts were made to improve their backlink profile with links from authoritative industry websites.

Throughout the campaign, my team and I held regular strategy meetings to discuss and plan effective steps forward for Lockrite Security.

The SEO campaign’s success is a testament to our dedication and expertise. Lockrite Security experienced a substantial increase in online visibility and engagement, translating to tangible business growth. I am excited to extend these proven strategies to other businesses seeking similar results.

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