Spokes and Spanners

Project Overview

When Spokes and Spanners approached me, their website was struggling to generate significant revenue. Recognising the potential for growth, I embarked on a journey to revitalise their online presence, starting with a comprehensive technical SEO audit to pinpoint the necessary enhancements for optimal results.

Coming Soon.

Initial Challenges

My initial evaluation revealed several key issues. Spokes and Spanners lacked the tools to effectively monitor the impact of their online marketing efforts. Their blog existed but wasn’t being utilized to engage their audience consistently. The company’s visibility in search results for critical product and service keywords was virtually nonexistent, and they suffered from a poor backlink profile.

Strategic Intervention

My approach to any new SEO challenge begins with a thorough audit, and Spokes and Spanners was no exception. This audit allowed me to identify both the strengths and weaknesses of their website. With this insight, I devised a detailed development roadmap to address and rectify the issues highlighted in the audit.

SEO Results

The impact of these changes was not immediate but progressively significant. Visitors began spending more time on the site, indicating enhanced engagement.

Spokes and Spanners committed to a monthly SEO plan, allowing for ongoing monitoring and improvement. The results? A remarkable surge in key performance metrics and shop visits:

  • In just 8 months, Spokes and Spanners achieved the number one ranking on Google for 40 competitive keyword searches.
  • A 61% increase in organic SEO traffic over six months, fueling a rise in website enquiries and physical store visits.
  • The SEO campaign generated a 106% uptick in traffic from search engines.
  • We significantly enhanced their visibility for product and service-related searches.
  • I diligently worked to refine their backlink profile and improve the websites credibility.
  • Collaborating closely with Spokes and Spanners, I significantly improved their content for service pages, PPC landing pages and helpful blog posts that effectively engaged potential customers.

This journey with Spokes and Spanners wasn’t just about improving numbers; it was about unleashing the true potential of their online presence, demonstrating the transformative power of targeted SEO strategies.

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