Tercel Medical Group

Project Overview

Tercel Medical Group came to me on the recommendation of a satisfied client. They were struggling with sales and their website’s outdated content. I conducted a detailed website audit. This revealed that a new website would be more cost-effective than trying to repair the existing one.

I proposed using WordPress and WooCommerce, knowing their user-friendly dashboard would streamline website management. The client quickly recognised the potential benefits for their business.

Company Introduction

I worked with Tercel Medical Group, a renowned organisation established in 2013 by Colonel Nigel Partington. This company has decades of expertise delivering pre-hospital emergency medical care across the world. Their unique positioning allows them to offer an extensive array of services, including training, recruiting, consultancy, and the supply of medical equipment to diverse sectors.With a versatile approach, Tercel Medical Group caters to both business-to-business and business-to-customer needs. Their capability to provide tailored solutions is unmatched, ensuring that each client’s specific requirements are met with precision and excellence.

Coming Soon

Project Results

During the development phase, I faced a challenging deadline as the client’s Windows hosting package was set to expire in just three weeks. This accelerated the need to complete the WordPress website and migrate existing content.

The migration included moving their business emails to a new provider, a task complicated by the client’s non-technical background and difficulties with their hosting company. I took on the responsibility of setting up the hosting account and configuring all necessary email inboxes and services to ensure a smooth transition.

With the website transfer complete, I focused on setting up the online store, integrating all products, and implementing a secure WorldPay payment gateway.

This enabled Tercel Medical Group to accept card payments directly through their website, enhancing their e-commerce capabilities.To protect sensitive data, I installed an SSL certificate ensuring all information was encrypted.

SEO Results

An SEO campaign followed, significantly improving average time spent on pages, boosting inquiries, and increasing sales. Within 6 months the SEO strategy led to a 384% increase in website traffic.

Tercel Medical Group began receiving more enquiries for their first aid training courses. Features like live chat and strategically placed contact forms on the service and course pages further improved customer engagement.

The culmination of the SEO campaign was remarkable. Tercel Medical Group ascended to the first page of Google for over 300 keywords related to their courses and products, marking a significant achievement in their digital presence.

Key Achievements

  • Successfully transitioned Tercel Medical Group from an outdated Windows hosting to a more efficient Linux-based platform within a tight three-week deadline.
  • Developed and launched a fully functional WordPress e-commerce site integrated with WorldPay, significantly improving the online purchasing experience.
  • Implemented a comprehensive SEO strategy that led to a 384% increase in website traffic and heightened customer engagement.
  • Facilitated Tercel Medical Group’s climb to the first page of Google for over 300 relevant keywords, enhancing their online visibility and market reach.
  • Installed SSL certification to safeguard sensitive customer data, reinforcing the website’s security and trustworthiness.
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