Trek and Mountain

Project Overview

In this project, my main task was to enhance the functionality and usability of a client’s WordPress site. This involved custom development, including creating a flexible content slider, upgrading core technologies, improving the site’s design, and ensuring a more user-friendly navigation experience.

Company Introduction

Trek & Mountain magazine is a distinguished publication catering to a wide array of mountain enthusiasts. Available in numerous high street stores, including WH Smiths and supermarkets, they offer a comprehensive source of information and inspiration for anyone with a passion for the mountains.

Their readership encompasses a diverse group, from hillwalkers and trekkers to scramblers, mountaineers, alpinists, climbers, and ski tourers. Trek & Mountain magazine is not just a publication; it’s a community hub for those who find their calling amidst the world’s peaks and valleys.

Coming Soon.

Project Results

The first significant step I took was developing a custom WordPress plugin. This plugin introduced a new admin panel that allowed the client to effortlessly customize and maintain the content slider on their homepage. To ensure ease of use, I also crafted a detailed user guide for managing this new feature.

During the website’s analysis, I identified that an outdated version of jQuery was being used, sourced directly from the theme, potentially introducing security vulnerabilities.

Understanding the importance of keeping technologies up-to-date, I removed the old jQuery version and integrated the version that is provided by WordPress since version 3.4.

A thorough review of the theme files revealed several instances of inline styling. This resulted in some pages not confirming to the consistent website styles used elsewhere on the website. I removed the inline styles to ensure a uniform design across all pages.

I also tackled the layout and design of the website’s header. The original website header included a search box, social media icons and the main navigation, which was cluttered and impractical.

To resolve this, I repositioned the social media icons to the bottom of the page and instead of showing a search bar I used an icon to show/hide the search feature.

I addressed the poorly coded drop-down menu, which was a significant usability issue. The submenu design was such that it obscured the top-level menu options, hindering site navigation. I redesigned the menu for better functionality and resolved styling inconsistencies to ensure compatibility across different browsers.

Key Achievements

  • Developed a custom WordPress plugin to enhance content slider management.
  • Upgraded the site’s jQuery version to align with WordPress’s current standards.
  • Eliminated inline styles from theme files to ensure consistent site-wide styling.
  • Redesigned the website header for improved layout and navigation clarity.
  • Redeveloped the drop-down menu for enhanced usability and cross-browser compatibility.
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